"Save the pennies & the pounds will take 

care of themselves"

First off, I'm no financial expert. Yet this method has worked for me & I see no harm in sharing my experience with the world. The penny savings idea isn't mine, yet finding the right place to put my money has plus it's working for me. (Disclaimer)

Lets get straight to how this works, it's dead simple...

You start by saving 1 pence on 1st January (or the date you decided. It's totally flexible), then 2 pence on 2nd January, then 3 pence on 3rd January and so on... adding a penny more each day – all the way up to the 31st December (or your last day of £3.65, because there are 365 days in a year.)

So in a nutshell if you started on 1st January, then by the 31st December you'll have saved a grand total of £667.95.

Want to make a little more, without doing anything else???

Now this is where it gets interesting & you can make a bit more depending where you put the money.

Personally at first I was just popping it into a savings account with my high street bank. Only to find I was making f**k all in interest. We were sorting out the mortgage at the time & our financial advisor mentioned Monzo my ear pricked up. If it's good enough for him to use, it's good enough for me.

So that week I'd signed up & moved my money over.

There are different places to pop it but this is the simplest & easiest way to do it...(in my opinion.) This gives you the flexibility to get to your money at anytime you need it, without waiting days, without paying a withdrawal fee or without being penalised for withdrawing your money.

Create yourself a Monzo account, once you are up running, create a pot...(Monzo is a UK digital bank, so no high street branches. Which is why their interest rates & so much high than the normal regular banks)

It will ask you to pick from, Regular, Savings or Investment. I picked the Savings option...

From there pick Savings, it will give you a few options. Pick the Easy Access one...this will pay you interest on a daily basis & will even show you the exact amount of interest at the end of each month.

This is the simplest, safest & quickest way to get to your money if you need to. The long you leave it the more money you'll make.

I'm not going to lie & say you'll make a fortune doing this, because you won't. Yet if you struggle to save, want a little extra at the end of the year or want to save something for a family member, this is definitely a great starting point.

There are so many more options with Monzo, one thing I have noticed is they have a free current account & 3 paid current accounts, Extra, Peaks & Max. You do get a few extra benefits with them but in my option it's not enough to spend the extra £3, £7 or £17 a month. Especially when I only use it for saving money & that's why I feel the free account is more than enough.

If you live outside the UK, I did an every quick search & found that there are alternative digital banks out there for you. 

Hope it helps & all the links are below for free...yes free. No cost or email, if you do fancy subscribing to the email list you can find this at the bottom of the page. thanks again.