"Create your Dreams with this Life Design Planner"
How many times have you bought a self help book or planner & been disappointed by it?
Unsure what to do with it, couldn’t be a**ed or felt a lonely feeling when you didn’t know the answers in the questions that it’s asking?
Well I hear you, I have a few of those books too & they aren’t helpful, are they?
They don’t come with the magic wand that so many promise & when you look closer it all seems a bit like BS, that’s been done time & time again.
We just want the magic wand right? And job done. Wrong!
We want a book that works with who we are & takes our time into consideration. Not to tell us what we are doing wrong, how fabulous you CAN be once you’ve completed it or what worked for the author.
Btw, You are fabulous without these books, it’s just sometimes we all need that little helping hand from time to time because we feel slightly lost or overwhelmed at points.
I get it, I really do! This exact week I’ve been lost & overwhelmed in writing this page for my planner & I just wanted that magic wand to do it for me. But what good would that have done, what would I have learnt? Absolutely nothing! So I pulled myself away, cleared my mind, had 3 days of duvet days* & here I am, typing away.
(*you’ll have to read the book, lol!)
But where is the book that actually comes with the guidance you really want & need?........Well……hello,.............
I might have come up with it.
With over 65+ pages of hands-on content this life design planner, not only helps you with your everyday but most importantly with designing & creating a plan to that dream that gets you all excited & fuzzy when you think about it.
A planner that helps you look at time in a totally different way than you might be presently. Looking at the areas of your life that you may have overlooked or not even thought about before.
Life is magic!
By putting you at the forefront of your life it will not only benefit you, it will show others around you that self love, determination, focus & showing up as your best version with a go-getters attitude is beneficial to those around you too!
But why is this planner different?
I designed it to look at YOU foremost, then the other areas of your life, but from a positive, loving view. It’s a book to build you up & celebrate the areas that you are winning in, make those areas even stronger. Then you can work on other areas that may need that extra looking at, nothing good comes out of looking at the negatives! That’s why I think my book is different!
So if you are feeling any bit of frustration, under or overwhelmed, unfulfilled or just need that injection of energy & spark back into YOUR life, this planner will guide you through in designing a life that feels more aligned to who you want to be.
I've even given you a cheeky sneak peek in what goodies are in there below.
So how much is it I hear you ask?
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